I wanted to share news of a very interesting new book: "Modern Chess: From Steinitz to the 21st Century" by International Master Craig Pritchett. This Thinkers Publishing title is exactly what it sounds like, and has something for chess enthusiasts of all levels: Some history, some culture, some famous games we ought to have seen but maybe haven't, some instruction.
Solving exercises from books is one of the best ways to train the skill of finding the best move. But for many children, consistent book work may not be as realistic as solving problems on the computer. Fair enough! This is why Alex and I have meticulously entered Steps problems into chessbase, to be able to assign them on our online platform as HW. New Steps classes start this coming week - all the information is here: https://masterchess.org/collections/all There are other electronic resources I wanted to draw to your attention as well. Chessity is a website I have used with my own students for many years. I think I was the first mass adopter among American coaches. I remember my contact...
When I started teaching at NEST+m, the school gave all of us a handbook. It was exceptionally (excessively?) detailed, containing, among other things, a lesson evaluation rubric and examples of what constituted a successful or unsuccessful lesson. Between student teaching, graduate school, and entering the ‘real world’, I got an idea of what good teaching - really, I should say good learning - is meant to look like.
Today, I have the pleasure of telling you about an old student of Elizabeth’s and mine , who went on to excel as a player and a coach — National Master Mubassar Uddin!
Nolan has an interesting chess background: He played in his first tournament at the age of 13, didn’t have a non provisional rating for two years, and became a National Master before his 18th birthday.